
Graphics card that supports opengl 3.3
Graphics card that supports opengl 3.3

Fixed displaying of the correct value set by the slider in the filter Levels dialog: Input Levels -> slider mid value Fixed resetting of values in filter dialogs Fixed fluid simulation behavior when the Filters dialog window is opened Fixed updating of layers' preview after using undo/redo on a clipping mask Fixed switching to the correct Paint mode after picking a color from canvas or color palette after the 'V' shortcut was used 'Favorites' is now remembered after switching to another tool and then back using a Paint mode shortcut Fixed issues with the 'Clone' and 'Water' tool Fixed crash when adding a new shape/grain to the brush preset via Brush Creator

graphics card that supports opengl 3.3

Preferences -> Tools: option to show a pop-up window while changing the brush properties with shortcuts now applies for Ctrl / Cmd shortcut 'Reset' button for the Curves filter added Pigment color mixing is now remembered from the previous session and also in the saved. New option "Restore Last Selection" added in the menu Edit -> Selection

Graphics card that supports opengl 3.3